Step into the vibrant world of Berlin's architectural evolution. Curious where it all began? Well, not all, but since 2005—an era of design daring enough to make most cities envious. This is no ordinary project; it’s my 4th collaboration with Hoidn Wang Partner—an architectural story woven into Berlin's identity.
What’s waiting for you? A photographic exhibition at the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing; meticulously curated, of course. Think of it as Berlin’s architectural playlist—its hits, transformations, and bold experiments. Buildings that were dreams a decade ago, now part of everyday life.
But wait—what if photos aren’t enough? Step into the revolutionary photo booth. Not just a pretty prop. It's a real-time conduit, connecting snapshots to the real world with interactive QR codes. Fancy a walk? Just scan, explore, and see these architectural gems firsthand. It’s tactile. It’s tech-savvy. It’s Berlin.
Urban development isn’t just about bricks and blueprints. It’s about how we grow, stretch, and innovate. And this collection? It’s more than an archive. It’s a time capsule—capturing Berlin’s heartbeat through the lens of design.
And here’s the kicker—I actually took some of the pictures featured in the collection. Yep, that’s right! Seeing my work displayed alongside the story of Berlin’s evolution felt like catching a glimpse of my own small ripple in this vast, dynamic city. I won’t lie—it’s one of those moments that makes you stand up a little straighter, grin a little wider.

Poster for the exhibition

Box with 37 leaflets with QR Codes directing to the location.