In 2009, I found myself in Vienna for the first time. What a city. Whimsical, unexpected, a little odd in the best way. One thing that really stuck with me? The inscriptions on the houses. Little phrases carved into stone, like “voluntary passage.” Voluntary? What a concept. The alternative feels a bit... ominous, doesn’t it?
That’s Vienna, though. Always a bit offbeat, always charming. It has this way of surprising you, of pulling you into its quirks. First-time travel does that, I think. Throws you into a world of tiny mysteries you didn’t know you cared about.
As I wandered those winding streets, I kept staring at those inscriptions, wondering. Who lived here? What were their lives like? Did they notice these words every day, or were they just part of the scenery? Funny how something so simple—a few words on a wall—can set your imagination spinning. Little things like that have a way of sticking with you.
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